I came here to do the TTC in October 2022 and I absolutely loved the experience and also saw the potential of how much I could still learn so I decided to stay 5 more months practicing here.
The TTC is a very complete programme where you get a holistic idea of yoga. All the teachers are very knowledgeable and approachable too and you can feel they’re genuinely happy to be teaching there. I thoroughly enjoyed every single class!
It is quite demanding but you’ll definitely see the results.
The asana clases with Chidananda are amazing. He doesn’t rush your practice but instead makes sure that you learn every asana properly, building a strong foundation wherever you’re at in your practice.
He is demanding with the alignment and effort but will never push over your limits and risk getting an injury.
He’ll help you go deeper into the breath and to stay focused during your practice.
I can feel so much progress in my practice as well as my overall well being since I started practicing with him and for that I’m extremely grateful.
He keeps it a small space so everyone gets enough attention.
I’ve learnt much more than asana with Chidananda as he is an example of contentment, compassion, hard work, duty, kindness… One of the best human beings I’ve ever met, a personification of yoga.
I highly recommend the TTC and the shala to everyone!