Yoga Journal Germany

Mysore is the mecca of modern Yoga in South India. The town has many great teachers like S. K. Patthabi Jois, B.N.S. Iyengar, Desikachar and B.K.S. Iyengar spawned that are with their different emphases, the first generation of teachers who all rely on Sri T. Krishnamachacharya. Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga developed as a living tradition and there are now many experienced teachers of second and third generation, pass on their in-depth knowledge.

During my stay in Mysore I was five weeks intensively Chidananda and his father Sri SV Venkateshaiah asanas and pranayama practice. Both are students of B.N.S. Iyengar and teach both Indians and Westerners in their small Shala in Gokulam district.

Interview_JanoschJanoschHow long have you been practicing yoga ?
Venkateshaiah: I have practiced the last 30 years of yoga. I have for 18 years with my teacher B.N.S. Iyengar learned the age of 18 before I got his blessing to be allowed to teach.

Chidananda: I started with 8 years to practice Ashtanga Yoga. It has always fascinated me, practice my father to see and I wanted to learn that too. It was a great time when I with my father and his friends under the watchful eyes of our teacher BNS Could learn Iyengar. Meanwhile, I’m over 25 years here.

Venkateshaiah, you practice still? What does your yoga practice ?

Venkateshaiah: Of course, I still practice every day. While I’m not as many asanas as before, but I practice more pranayama and meditate. Practicing asanas is like washing vegetables. Eventually there must also snip and make something delicious to eat. Hence, we must not get stuck only to the asanas you, because they will not bring one to the final stage of Yoga. The higher limbs of yoga must be practiced. The postures are just one small part of it.

Chidananda: I, too, have been practicing every day. I used to often practiced more than three hours – but now I am a father and teacher. This also needs some attention (laughs).

How important is your own independent practice for a teacher ?

Venkateshaiah: If you do not practice self-employed, you have little references to teach sound. Practicing makes the people better. Whoever does not practice, it soon becomes lethargic and has his body is no longer under control. When the mind is not in good condition, the body will not vote and vice versa. There is an interdependent relationship here. When the mind is depressed, the body will follow. No matter what happens your mind: It will show in your body.

You’re father and son – as supplemented ye in Shala?

Chidananda: I’m just his student. B.N.S. Iyengar was my first teacher. My father is my second teacher. There are still so many things I can learn from him. If I am unsure, I can always ask him because he has a wide knowledge.

If you practice every day? And if so, why? And what?

Venkateshaiah: It’s better if you practice every day to keep the body and the mental in good condition. If you stop practicing, you will be lazy and sluggish. It’s the magic of repetition that makes the system so effective.

How important is tradition ?

Venkateshaiah: What tradition? There are many traditions. Ashtanga Yoga comes from the old Rshis. Patanjali Yoga has reformed and given it in the form of the Yoga Sutras in the world. That is why even some the “father of yoga” call him.

Chidananda: Tradition is very important to me. Yoga is not just for health. First, there are the Yamas and Niyamas – the basic principles that must internalize and should try to live by them. Then you will understand what yoga is. Yoga is the science of life itself. There is so much to learn.

The importance of modifications ?

Venkateshaiah: The teacher should adapt the poses individually at the state of the student. That is why a great knowledge of the individual dynamics in the body is so important. Without this you can actually teach any conversations.

Chidananda: The process should be very slow. First you have to build a foundation and learn these clean: the understanding of respiration and the correct movement that emerges from it. Everything plays a role. It is often better to exercise less. If you do too much, it is rather a series of stretching exercises, as a yoga practice. If the process is slow, then you will also not hurt.

When should you start with pranayama ?

Venkateshaiah: A certain perfection in the postures is provided because one has to sit quietly for a long time. It is also good to keep the headstand and shoulder stand longer. However, it is so that it does not implementing Yama and Niyama no sense to practice any asana, pranayama and meditation. That is pointless.

What is the difference between Primary and Advanced Pranayama Pranayama?

Venkateshaiah: Beginners start with Primary Pranayama. It is therapeutically very good because it has a high health benefits. Advanced Pranayama involves counting and holding the breath. It is not suitable for beginners. Practicing pranayama brings you the ultimate goal of yoga closer. Pranayama is the preparation. It leads to meditation. While you practice, to meditate, although in some respects, but it is not really meditation.

How can we integrate his yoga practice is best in life?

Chidananda: It is best to exercise early in the morning, when you can not be disturbed. The most important thing is that one lives according to moral principles.

How do you find it that yoga is so popular?

Chidananda: That makes me very happy. People pay more attention to their physical and mental health. There are the right values, which can be understood here. So you can achieve a lot in life. But unfortunately is also placed too much emphasis on the physical. The moral principles make a big difference.

What can the West learn from India? What India can learn from the West ?

Chidananda: One can learn from each culture a good thing. People can try to be guided by a tradition that is a long time tested system. What I really like about the Western students, is the enthusiasm with which they absorb new knowledge. The people who come here have such a good awareness of health issues.

What students that you practice with your father and here in Mysore expected ?

Chidananda: Students enjoy a traditional and holistic approach to all the limbs of yoga. We begin with sound basics and walk slowly step by step – as we have learned it yourself.

Janosch_Steinhauer   :  Janosch Steinhauers path of yoga all of a sudden started with a climbing accident and a broken elbow. What was only intended as an experiment to faster healing, evolved in a completely different direction. By Ron Steiner Janosch came with Yoga in touch. Ron modifications and his understanding of balancing dynamics, based on his profound knowledge as sports medicine, Janosch gave a solid foundation for his own yoga practice. In addition, Janosch is heavily inspired by David Regelins organic approach and he applies this knowledge in his own practice and in teaching at. Janosch’s teaching is characterized by individual Adjustments and sensible modifications that allow the exerciser to move forward on their skills at their own pace. More information about the author:; About Chidananda: